Factory Customized YG11 YG15 Blank Polishing Carbide punching Dies
Factory Customized YG11 YG15 Blank Polishing Carbide punching Dies
Description of Product of Tungsten Carbide punching Dies
Cold heading dies include various types such as straight hole dies, triangular dies, extrusion dies, trimming dies, and socket dies. The method of cold pressing, shrink fitting, or taper fitting is chosen for the carbide inserts based on the specific application or customer requirements. Similarly, the carbide heading dies come in different variations such as plain hole, pointing, extrusion, trap extrusion, hexagonal, hex extrusion, flat extrusion, and trilobular to cater to the production of various types of fasteners, screws, and bolts.
1. 100% virgin raw materials.
2. Various kinds of grades are available.
3. ISO quality control system.
4. Precision Ground and high polishing process
5. High wear resistance, high hardness and high impact toughness
Features of tungsten carbide cold heading die for punching stamping in fasteners nibs
4. Precision Ground and polished.
5. With HIP sintering.
Applications :
5. screw cold heading machine.
Tungsten carbide grade selection
In the standard tungsten carbide cold heading process, tungsten carbide cold heading die need to withstand greater shock, in order to meet the requirements, you must use the tungsten carbide with a higher amount of cobalt-containing, high strength and good toughness. Such as YG15, YG20, YG20C .
Q1: Jeni fabrika apo kompani tregtare?
Ne jemi Fabrika me 12 vjet përvojë prodhimi.
Q2: Ku ndodhet fabrika juaj?
Ne jemi të vendosur në qytetin Zhuzhou, provincën Hunan ku është baza e karabit të tungstenit.
Q3: A është çmimi konkurrues?
Ne kemi Fabrikën tonë. Falë sistemit të fortë të prodhimit dhe shpërndarjes, ne premtojmë t'u ofrojmë klientëve tanë çmimin më konkurrues.
Q4: A janë produktet me cilësi të lartë?
po. Të gjitha produktet do të testohen përpara prodhimit me shumicë, dhe ne do të kontrollojmë vetitë fizike, formën dhe tolerancën për të siguruar produkte të kualifikuara përpara transportit.
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Zhuzhou Chuangde karabit i çimentuar Co. Ltd
215, building 1, International Students Pioneer Park,
Taishan Road, Distrikti Tianyuan, Qyteti Zhuzhou.
Whatspp/wechat/Skype: 0086 13786352688
Zhuzhou Chuangde karabit i çimentuar Co., Ltd
Shtoni215, ndërtesa 1, Parku Pioneer i Studentëve Ndërkombëtarë, Rruga Taishan, Distrikti Tianyuan, Qyteti Zhuzhou
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