OEM YN6 YN9 Customized Tungsten Carbide Bush Tungsten Carbide Shaft Sleeve
OEM YN6 YN9 Customized Tungsten Carbide Bush Tungsten Carbide Shaft Sleeve
YG8 YG12 Tungsten carbide sleeves and bushing
Zhuzhou CHUANGDE have many kinds of tungsten carbide sleeve products, with good materials, excellent performance and good wear resistance. To make our products high machining accuracy, keeping operation precision, prolong the life time of rolling axletree, We strictly control our quality, and have a high reputation in our industry. We produce many OEM carbide sleeves for our clients all over the world.
Tungsten Carbide Sleeve Application is widely
Tungsten carbide sleeves are often used in water pump, oil pump and other pumps, especially used for high pressure or corrosion resistance pumps, flow restrictors, servo seat.
Tungsten carbide sleeves are widely used as seal faces with resistant-wearing, high fractural strength, high thermal conductivity, small heat expansion co-efficient. It is the best material to resist heat and fracture in all hard face materials.
1. Use 100% tungsten carbide raw material
2. Stable chemical properties
3. Excellent performance and good wear / corrosion resistance
4. HIP sintering, good compactness
5. Blanks, high machining accuracy / precision
6. OEM customized sizes available
7. Factory’s offer
8. Strict products quality inspection
Tungsten Carbide Sleeve Cobalt Binder Grades
Grade | Binder (Wt %) | Density (g/cm3) | Hardness (HRA) | TRS (≥N/mm²) |
YG6 | 6 | 14.8 | 90.0 | 2200 |
YG6X | 6 | 14.9 | 91.0 | 2300 |
YG8 | 8 | 14.7 | 89.5 | 2800 |
YG12 | 12 | 14.2 | 88.0 | 2500 |
YG20 | 20 | 13.5 | 85.5 | 2850 |
Tungsten Carbide Sleeve Nickel Binder Grades
Grade | Binder (Wt %) | Density (g/cm3) | Hardness (HRA) | TRS (≥N/mm²) |
YN6 | 6 | 14.7 | 89.5 | 2100 |
YN6X | 6 | 14.8 | 90.5 | 2100 |
YN8 | 8 | 14.6 | 88.5 | 2300 |
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Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co. Ltd
215, building 1, International Students Pioneer Park,
TaishanRoad, Tianyuan hérað, Zhuzhou borg.
Whatspp/wechat/Skype: 0086 13786352688
Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd
Bæta við215, bygging 1, International Students Pioneer Park, Taishan Road, Tianyuan District, Zhuzhou City
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