Factory Custom yg6 yg8 Wear Resistance Hard Alloy Sandblasting Nozzles Tungsten Carbide Nozzle Manufacturer
Factory Custom yg6 yg8 Wear Resistance Hard Alloy Sandblasting Nozzles Tungsten Carbide Nozzle Manufacturer
The cemented carbide nozzle is made of precision machinery and cemented carbide material (superhard alloy). Carbide nozzle is formed by hot pressing sintering of hot straight hole and mound hole. Due to its hardness, low density and excellent wear and corrosion resistance, cemented carbide nozzles have been widely used in sand blasting and shot blasting equipment, ensuring that the products can be used in the best air and abrasive for a long time
2. Various kinds of grades are available based on customer's application.
3. we have professional advanced production line and inspection equipment to ensure high quality products.
4. Precision Ground and high polishing process
5. High wear resistance,high hardness and impact toughness
6. Advanced technology , precise grinding.
Grade : YG6/YG8/YG6X/G10/K10
Standard Dimension
NO. | OD(mm) | ID(mm) can be adjusted | Length(mm) can be adjusted |
1 | 4 | 0.3-2 | 4.0-12 |
2 | 5 | 0.3-2 | 4.0-12 |
3 | 6 | 0.3-2 | 6.0-20 |
4 | 8 | 2.0-3.0 | 10-85 |
5 | 10 | 1.0-3.0 | 10-85 |
6 | 12 | 2.0-4.0 | 10-85 |
7 | 14 | 2.0-5.0 | 25-85 |
8 | 15 | 2.0-6.0 | 25-85 |
9 | 18 | 3.0-7.0 | 25-85 |
10 | 20 | 5.0-10.0 | 25-100 |
11 | 21 | 5.0-10.0 | 25-100 |
12 | 22 | 5.0-12.0 | 25-100 |
13 | 24 | 5.0-14.0 | 25-100 |
14 | 26 | 5.0-14.0 | 25-100 |
15 | 28 | 5.0-14.0 | 25-100 |
16 | 29 | 8.0-20.0 | 25-100 |
17 | 30 | 12-20.0 | 25-100 |
Why Choose Tungsten Carbide Nozzle
When Inevitable to rough handling and media used for cutting abrasives (glass beads, steel shots, minerals, or cinder), carbide nozzles have the advantages of being more economical and longer service life. Traditionally, tungsten carbide is the best choice for the material of the nozzles.
They are widely used in surface treatment, sandblasting, painting, electronics, chemical processes and other industries with different applications such as wire straightening, wire guides, and other aspects.
Ceistean Cumanta:
Q1: An e factaraidh no companaidh malairt a th’ annad?
Tha sinn Factaraidh le 12 bliadhna de eòlas riochdachaidh.
Q2: Càite a bheil an fhactaraidh agad suidhichte?
Tha sinn suidhichte ann am baile-mòr Zhuzhou, sgìre Hunan far a bheil bunait tungsten carbide.
Q3: A bheil a 'phrìs farpaiseach?
Tha am Factaraidh againn fhìn. Taing do làidir cinneasachadh agus siostam cuairteachaidh, tha sinn a 'gealltainn a' tabhann ar luchd-cleachdaidh a 'phrìs as fharpaiseach.
Q4: A bheil na stuthan de chàileachd àrd?
Tha. Thèid a h-uile toradh a dhearbhadh mus dèanar mòr-chinneasachadh, agus nì sinn sgrùdadh air na feartan fiosaigeach, cumadh agus fulangas airson dèanamh cinnteach à toraidhean teisteanasach mus tèid an cur air falbh.
Na bi leisg fios a chuir thugam:
Manaidsear reic
Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co. Ltd
215, building 1, International Students Pioneer Park,
Rathad Taishan, Sgìre Tianyuan, Cathair Zhuzhou.
Whatspp/wechat/Skype: 0086 13786352688
Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd
Cuir ris215, togalach 1, Pàirc Pioneer Oileanaich Eadar-nàiseanta, Rathad Taishan, Sgìre Tianyuan, Cathair Zhuzhou
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