Factory custom tungsten carbide carbide button inserts and tips for mining
Factory custom tungsten carbide carbide button inserts and tips for mining
Product description:
Carbide button bits for oil-field
The button bits are mainly used for tri-cone drill bits for oil and gas fields excavation and large-scale open-pit mine . And they are made into Tricone bit,PDC bit, horizontal directional driling system(HDD),with excellent product stability, ensuring the safety and reliability of deep mining.
Our Advantages:
1.Using over 100 % high purity tungsten carbide powder, it has a better strength and hardness combined with a longer service life than the normal one.
2.Taking isostatic pressing machine, our drill bit button has a uniform density and do not break easily.
3.HIP sintered, increase the strength substantially therefore extend service time; the abrasive resistance of carbide button can be increased by 24%.
4.Grinted by centerless grinder, it has precise measurement. Be welted tightly, it do not drop from drill.
5.Full range of types and specifications available.
6.10 engineers teamwork for your technical questions .
Product grades:
Grade | Density | T.R.S | Hardness | Performance & application recommended | Approx Grades in China |
g/cm3 | MPα | HRA | |||
CD6 | 14.9 | 2100 | 90 | For coring crowns, electric coal drill bits, coal cutting picks, oil cone bits and scraping knife bits, usd in geological prospecting, coal mining and oil well boring. | YG6 |
CD6.1 | 14.7 | 2400 | 89.5 | For coring crowns, electric coal drill bits, coal cutting picks, cone drill bits and scraping knife bits, used in geological prospecting, coal mining and oil well boring. | YG8 |
CD06H | 15 | 3000 | 90.5 | Good strength and less wear resistance, for bits of rotary hammer rock drills and heavy rock drills, for hard and very hard rocks. | YK05, KK06H |
CD15 | 14 | 2500 | 87.5 | Good strength and less wear resistance, for bits of rotary hammer rock drills and heavy rock drills, for hard and very hard rocks. | YG15 |
CD10 | 14.7 | 2450 | 88.5 | Mostly used as the buttons of small and mediumsized percussion bits and as the inserts of rotary prospecting bits to cut soft and medium hard formations. | YG8C |
CD15 | 14.7 | 2450 | 87.8 | Suitable to strips, conical buttons for rotary,percussion-resistant, geological prospecting,buttons, cut soft and medium hard formations. | YK15/YG9C |
Ceistean Cumanta:
Q1: An e factaraidh no companaidh malairt a th’ annad?
Tha sinn Factaraidh le 12 bliadhna de eòlas riochdachaidh.
Q2: Càite a bheil an fhactaraidh agad suidhichte?
Tha sinn suidhichte ann am baile-mòr Zhuzhou, sgìre Hunan far a bheil bunait tungsten carbide.
Q3: A bheil a 'phrìs farpaiseach?
Tha am Factaraidh againn fhìn. Taing do làidir cinneasachadh agus siostam cuairteachaidh, tha sinn a 'gealltainn a' tabhann ar luchd-cleachdaidh a 'phrìs as fharpaiseach.
Q4: A bheil na stuthan de chàileachd àrd?
Tha. Thèid a h-uile toradh a dhearbhadh mus dèanar mòr-chinneasachadh, agus nì sinn sgrùdadh air na feartan fiosaigeach, cumadh agus fulangas airson dèanamh cinnteach à toraidhean teisteanasach mus tèid an cur air falbh.
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Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co. Ltd
215, building 1, International Students Pioneer Park,
Rathad Taishan, Sgìre Tianyuan, Cathair Zhuzhou.
Whatspp/wechat/Skype: 0086 13786352688
Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd
Cuir ris215, togalach 1, Pàirc Pioneer Oileanaich Eadar-nàiseanta, Rathad Taishan, Sgìre Tianyuan, Cathair Zhuzhou
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