Factory custom YG6 YG8 Customized Blank Tungsten Carbide Strip Flat Bar
Factory custom YG6 YG8 Customized Blank Tungsten Carbide Strip Flat Bar
Product Description
Tungsten Carbide Plates YG11 YG15 YG18 Hip sintering Features
1. 100% virgin tungsten carbide materials.
2. HIP Sintering and ground surface.
3. Composition: WC+Co, WC+TiC+TaC+Co.
4. ISO9001:2015 vertified professional manufacturer over 12 years.
5. OEM and ODM are accepted as well.
Tungsten carbide plates that are especially suitable for protecting surfaces against abrasive and erosive wear. The plates are made of tungsten carbide and can be adjusted with different chemical compositions to the requirements of each specific
1. To make punching dies: It can be applied to the production of high-speed die and multi-station progressive die for punching copper, aluminum, stainless steel, cold-rolled sheet, hardware, standard parts, upper and lower punches, etc.
2. To make wear-resistant tools.
3. To make high temperature resistant parts, wear parts and anti-shielding parts. such as the guide rail of the machine tool and the anti-theft reinforcement board of the ATM.
4. To make corrosion-resistant parts for the chemical industry.
5. To used as radiation and corrosion resistant materials for medical equipment.
Grade of Wear parts hard alloy widia cemented tungsten carbide board block bar plates
Grade | Density (g/cm3) | Hardness (HRA) | TRS (Mpa) |
YG6 | 14.9 | 91.0 | 1800 |
YG6X | 14.8 | 92.0 | 1800 |
YKM6A | 14.7 | 92.5 | 1800 |
YG8 | 14.8 | 90.0 | 1950 |
YT5 | 13 | 90.8 | 1900 |
YT14 | 11.5 | 91.5 | 1500 |
YT15 | 11.3 | 91.8 | 1450 |
YW1 | 13.1 | 91.5 | 1600 |
YW2 | 13.1 | 91.0 | 1600 |
YS25 | 12.8 | 91.5 | 1900 |
YC30S | 12.8 | 91.0 | 2000 |
ZP35 | 12.8 | 91.0 | 2000 |
YC40 | 13.2 | 90.0 | 1850 |
Dimension (mm) and shape (can be custom as your drawing and application)
Ceistean Cumanta:
Q1: An e factaraidh no companaidh malairt a th’ annad?
Tha sinn Factaraidh le 12 bliadhna de eòlas riochdachaidh.
Q2: Càite a bheil an fhactaraidh agad suidhichte?
Tha sinn suidhichte ann am baile-mòr Zhuzhou, sgìre Hunan far a bheil bunait tungsten carbide.
Q3: A bheil a 'phrìs farpaiseach?
Tha am Factaraidh againn fhìn. Taing do làidir cinneasachadh agus siostam cuairteachaidh, tha sinn a 'gealltainn a' tabhann ar luchd-cleachdaidh a 'phrìs as fharpaiseach.
Q4: A bheil na stuthan de chàileachd àrd?
Tha. Thèid a h-uile toradh a dhearbhadh mus dèanar mòr-chinneasachadh, agus nì sinn sgrùdadh air na feartan fiosaigeach, cumadh agus fulangas airson dèanamh cinnteach à toraidhean teisteanasach mus tèid an cur air falbh.
Na bi leisg fios a chuir thugam:
Manaidsear reic
Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co. Ltd
215, building 1, International Students Pioneer Park,
Rathad Taishan, Sgìre Tianyuan, Cathair Zhuzhou.
Whatspp/wechat/Skype: 0086 13786352688
Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd
Cuir ris215, togalach 1, Pàirc Pioneer Oileanaich Eadar-nàiseanta, Rathad Taishan, Sgìre Tianyuan, Cathair Zhuzhou
CÒMHNAIDH :Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd
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