Factory Direct Sales YG6 YG8 Tungsten Carbide Mold Cemented Carbide Drawing Dies for Wire Industry - 副本
Factory Direct Sales YG6 YG8 Tungsten Carbide Mold Cemented Carbide Drawing Dies for Wire Industry - 副本
China factory Wear resistance part tungsten carbide wire drawing die
1. Product Description:
Wire drawing die is divided into alloy steel die, carbide die, natural diamond die, polycrystalline diamond die, CVD diamond die and ceramic die.
Wire drawing die is widely used, such as electronic devices, radar, television, instruments and aerospace used in high-precision wire and commonly used tungsten wire, molybdenum wire, stainless steel wire, wire and cable wire and various alloy wire are drawn with diamond wire drawing die, diamond wire drawing die due to the use of natural diamond as raw materials, so it has strong wear resistance, extremely high service life.
Advantage of Tungsten Carbide wire drawing Dies
1. Material:100% virgin raw material with submicron grain size
2. Grade: Various grades for choice
3. Advanced production equipments and testing equipments
4. Precious Ground and polished
5. High wear resistance,high hardness and impact toughness
6. Advanced technology, automatic pressing, HIP sintering and precision grinding
7. Samples & small orders are acceptable.
1.Used for making high temperature parts, wear parts, anti-shielding parts and corrosion-resistant parts.
2. Used in making hardware and standard stamping moulds.
3. Applicable for electronic industry, motor rotor, stator, LED lead frame, EI silicon sheet and so on.
4. Used for producing drawn mold, wear-resistant parts, stamping parts and automatic press with punch.
5. Used for stamping die, extrusion die, stamping molds.
6. Drawing many kinds of steel wire, aluminum wire, high carbon, MS wire etc
Ceistean Cumanta:
Q1: An e factaraidh no companaidh malairt a th’ annad?
Tha sinn Factaraidh le 12 bliadhna de eòlas riochdachaidh.
Q2: Càite a bheil an fhactaraidh agad suidhichte?
Tha sinn suidhichte ann am baile-mòr Zhuzhou, sgìre Hunan far a bheil bunait tungsten carbide.
Q3: A bheil a 'phrìs farpaiseach?
Tha am Factaraidh againn fhìn. Taing do làidir cinneasachadh agus siostam cuairteachaidh, tha sinn a 'gealltainn a' tabhann ar luchd-cleachdaidh a 'phrìs as fharpaiseach.
Q4: A bheil na stuthan de chàileachd àrd?
Tha. Thèid a h-uile toradh a dhearbhadh mus dèanar mòr-chinneasachadh, agus nì sinn sgrùdadh air na feartan fiosaigeach, cumadh agus fulangas airson dèanamh cinnteach à toraidhean teisteanasach mus tèid an cur air falbh.
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Manaidsear reic
Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co. Ltd
215, building 1, International Students Pioneer Park,
Rathad Taishan, Sgìre Tianyuan, Cathair Zhuzhou.
Whatspp/wechat/Skype: 0086 13786352688
Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd
Cuir ris215, togalach 1, Pàirc Pioneer Oileanaich Eadar-nàiseanta, Rathad Taishan, Sgìre Tianyuan, Cathair Zhuzhou
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