Factory wholesale custom 20*12*3 Or 15*10*5 tungsten carbide ss10 tips for cutting stone
Factory wholesale custom 20*12*3 Or 15*10*5 tungsten carbide ss10 tips for cutting stone
manufacturer tungsten carbide ss10 tips in tool parts for cutting stone
1. High quality & virgin raw material with stable properties and long working life;
2. Dark grey surface with hot sale at Kenya, Egypt and Libya market;
3. Precision dimensions with good unit weight and size accuracy;
4. Various sizes and types for your choice;
5. Longstanding old customers with over tons export amount every month.
6. Easier to braze, and long service time
7. Made by precision moulds, better diemsional accuracy and uniform
Recommend Application
SS10 carbide tips to be welded onto the seats on the blades for stone cutting machines, it can be used for the processing of various kinds of stones, such as limestone, sandstone, tufa stone, granite etc.
SS10 used for cutting all kinds stones, such as timestone, sandstone,tufa stone, grantie and so on.
1).20x12xT3.0 mm
2).20x12xT3.2 mm
3).20x12xT3.5 mm
4).20x12xT4.0 mm
1).15x10x5 mm
2).14x10x4 mm
Ohiko galderak:
Q1: Fabrika edo merkataritza enpresa al zara?
Fabrika gara 12 urteko ekoizpen esperientziarekin.
Q2: Non dago zure fabrika?
Zhuzhou hirian gaude, Hunan probintzian, wolframio karburoaren oinarria dagoen.
Q3: prezioa lehiakorra al da?
Gure Fabrika dugu. Ekoizpen eta banaketa sistema sendoari esker, gure bezeroei prezio lehiakorrena eskaintzeko konpromisoa hartzen dugu.
Q4: produktuak kalitate handikoak al dira?
Bai. Produktu guztiak ontziratu gabeko ekoizpenaren aurretik probatuko dira, eta produktu kualifikatuak bidali aurretik produktu kualifikatuak ziurtatzeko propietate fisikoak, forma eta tolerantzia egiaztatuko ditugu.
Anima zaitez nirekin harremanetan jarri:
Salmenta arduraduna
Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co. Ltd
215, building 1, International Students Pioneer Park,
TaishanRoad, Tianyuan barrutia, Zhuzhou hiria.
Posta elektronikoa:info@cdcarbide.com
WhatsApp/wechat/Skype : 0086 13786352688
Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd
Gehitu215, eraikina 1, International Students Pioneer Park, Taishan Road, Tianyuan Barrutia, Zhuzhou hiria
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